Friday, December 3, 2010

TV Spotlight: Walking Dead

Probably our favorite of the new show from this Fall is "The Walking Dead" on AMC.  I was anticipating the premiere of this series as I keep up with the original comics' collected editions, which I'm happy to report my public library stocks and keeps up to date.

Now, both Taryn and I don't usually watch horror movies (which I'll chalk up to overactive imagination for myself), however while this show has some gore and spectacular special effects and makeup, there aren't too many what I call "Boo!" moments.  Instead, we get to see a great drama unfold: what do a band of people do to survive in a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested world, where societal norms have crumbled and everyone has to fend for themselves?  Mix in the natural conflict between different personalities and scarceness of resources and you have yourself one heck of as how.

One word of warning to those who may be interested in the comics: it is a dark, dark book.  The art is in black and white, and yes, the pictures are still, but there are some truly disturbing scenes where I've had to just put down the book and take a break.  The scary part is that the disturbing imagery isn't usually from the zombies snacking on victims, but rather to what depths will the surviving humans sink to when they're threatened by other humans.  Despite the warning, I would say the first volume or two are more tame as far as what I found to be disturbing, and worth checking out if you are even the tiniest bit intrigued.

This Sunday (12/5/10) there will be a Walking Dead marathon for any one wanting to jump aboard this great new show and will lead into the season finale.

1 comment:

  1. I hate horror, and I'm also okay with The Walking Dead. LOVE Glen's character.

    Thanks to watching "Shaun of the Dead" recently and this show, I think a lot more than I ever did about what I'd do in a zombie apocalypse (run to the river and hop on the first thing I can find that floats!). :)
