Although I haven't really been listening to much music as of late (hence the lack of "Tuesday's Tunes" posts), I can share some quick bits about what I've been watching:
Hobbit 3D: It was a fun movie, but I'm reserving giving this any rating until all three parts are released. A nice bit of fantasy to escape into, especially if you're secretly wanting to live in a luxurious Hobbit hole or go on an adventure!
Ted: I might not have been in the right mood to watch this one, but I thought it was kind overhyped and awkward. I love a fart joke as much as the next guy, but I was only lukewarm to this one.
Crazy, Stupid,
Love: I enjoy a good rom-com now and then, but this one had some depth and substance to it. Sure this one's from two years ago, but I'm glad I was finally able to watch it.
Moonrise Kingdom: I really enjoyed this one, and this was T's first Wes Anderson movie. Luckily, it was probably the most accessible too, and she enjoyed it as well!
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes: I'm really bummed they cancelled this one after only two seasons, but man, they crammed it full of Marvel's C and D-list characters, I was in geek heaven. I would never think that I would see an animated version of the Guardians of the Galaxy, but then again, they ARE going to get their own movie at some point in 2014.
Shark Tank: I can't get enough of it, multiple friends have been recommending it to me for awhile, and I finally got hooked after I caught an episode last week while I was staying at the hotel.
Community: Two episodes in from it's return...and its very "meh" but I will stick with this one out of loyalty...and the fact that its coming to a close.