Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Ok, finding the time to blog as a new Dad has been quite the challenge, and it was a pretty lofty goal when I thought I could set out to make regular posts since there's a biiiiiit of a learning curve in this whole taking-care-of-a-little-life business, but I will try when I can.

I'm happy to share that we have been able to make it back to church for two weeks now with Jacob in tow. Unfortunately, I've only been able to participate in said-services for only a small fraction of the time, but hey, its progress, and I'll take what I can get. In general, we are learning what we need to bring and what we need to do when bringing the little guy out, namely, bring more diapers than we think we need, and multiple changes of clothes for the baby.

Along with that, I am relearning how to interact with other adults. Now at work its pretty easy since you have a framework already set up, whether its talking about TPS reports or engaging in light chit chat (by which I mean talking about The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Community, etc.), but when faced with questions a bit more opened ended like "How have you been?" or "How is being a new parent?" this has been my response...

...but hey, its not that I don't appreciate human interaction, I'm just not the most thrilling conversationalist at this point and time, so thank you in advance for your understanding.

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