Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

[Note: I started a draft for this post in early March, but better late than never, right?]

For our first Valentine's Day as a married couple, we wanted to start tradition we could easily repeat for years to come. We don't like to battle the crowds in the restaurants and typically don't make too much fuss over the day, but still wanted to take sometime out to honor and be thankful for our relationship. The solution: to try cooking a new dish together. Our inaugural dish: Taryn's favorite brunch item, Eggs Benedict.

And now some pictures of our tasty results:

If you'd like to take a crack at it, here's Alton Brown's recipe for Hollandaise sauce.


  1. Beautiful!! I didn't know you had this blog! I just subscribed on Reader! I think it'll be YEARS until I feel confident enough to try eggs benedict. Someone got us a frying pan with a poached egg insert, which somehow doesn't make sense to me... :) :)

  2. looks like it was a success! :)
