Thursday, January 12, 2012

Photos: Christmas vacation to Hawaii

We had the lovely opportunity to spend a week in Hawaii visiting my wife's family for the last week of December and through New Year's Day! A few quick highlights:
  • A lot of quality time with immediate and extended family (we had parties both New Year's Eve AND Day)
  • Although the winter is the rainy season for the islands, we had a beautiful weather the whole week we were visiting.
  • Got better with the family dog, Mia. I never grew up with pets, but I definitely learned what great companions they are and what fun a simple walk into town could be with her. Needless to say, Mia doesn't get out much and she really enjoyed the new scenery and people, but was pretty tired afterwards.
  • Explored a new beach we never went to before, that was a super-popular spot for local surfers. We went in the late afternoon which made for some beautiful photos you'll see below. Reminded me that God sure is a talented artist.
  • Checked "experience omakase at a nice Japanese restaurant" off my bucket list. Best nigiri sushi I've had, ever, and such a great culinary adventure to share with my wife.. Note to self: formalize the rest of my mental bucket list.
  • I love izakaya restaurants...kinda gleamed this from our trip to Hawaii two years ago. But when we were catching up with an old college roommate this trip, I had ama-ebi nigiri for the first time, and to my delight, when you order this, you also get the head of the prawns deep fried so that you can just eat the whole thing like a big 'ol shrimp chip. DELICIOUS.
And now, here are a few snapshots:

Panda pastries

Katsu curry
Horse lamp at the restaurant Stage

The Mrs. with the family dog Mia

Pancakes with a delicious macadamia nut sauce at Boots and Kimo's

Dessert @ Snow Factory
Last night in Hawaii, down by the tourists in Waikiki
Last activity before flying? Why a hike up Diamond Head National Park w/ family friend Jeremy.
So sad to say "Goodbye" :( See you again soon Hawaii!

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