Monday, September 10, 2012

Suggested Reading: Atomic Robo

Atomic Robo and the Fightin' Scientists of Tesladyne (Vol. 1)
Written by Brian Clevinger
Art by Scott Wegener
"In 1923, Nikola Tesla's career is in its twilight... until he unveils a robot with automatic intelligence - ATOMIC ROBO! After decades of dealing with all manner of weirdness, Atomic Robo and the so-called Action Scientists of Tesladyne become the go-to defense force against the unexplained! See ROBO take on Nazis, giant ants, clockwork mummies, walking pyramids, Mars, cyborgs, and his nemesis, Baron von Helsingard, in his first trade paperback graphic novel."
One word  sums up this book: FUNTASTIC! Ok, that's not a real word...but it should be.

With the comics industry focusing their attention on an increasingly older readership, titles like Atomic Robo remembers a key ingredient to reading comics: fun! Atomic Robo is fifty percent Indiana Jones and fifty percent Hellboy, which translates to a healthy amount of Nazis getting beaten up. The first volume in the series is a rollicking adventure and where Hellboy is steeped in myth and magic, Atomic Robo gives us a world a rich world of comic book science: brains in jars controlling giant robots, gigantic radioactive ants, and so much more.

After borrowing the first volume from the library, this became my first electronic comic purchase via the Comixology app on my iPad. Check out the gruff but lovable Atomic Robo on whatever medium you like to read your funny books!

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