Friday, February 6, 2009

DVR Overload

With the return of new television episodes, my DVR has become over-stuffed with programs to watch. One of my resolutions of the year was to be more intentional with not only people, but with my media viewing as well. What this means is I will watch my regular weekly programs, but will not just veg out for hours in front of the tube with whatever's playing. Here's a rundown of my current television habits:

Watch Weekly
  1. Lost
  2. Scrubs
  3. 30 Rock
  4. The Office
  5. Top Chef
  6. Chuck
  7. American's Best Dance Crew
Watch in Batches
  1. How I Met Your Mother
  2. Battlestar Galactica
  3. Heroes
On Warning
  1. Heroes: My viewing will depend on whether or not the writing gets back on track for the second half of this season.
  2. Top Chef: The constant name-dropping of sponsors and forced awkward "drama" has become a headache.
Both Lost and Scrubs have been pleasantly surprising. Lost has kept a good balance of staying mysterious, with a healthy mix of actual answers. Meanwhile, Scrubs has moved from NBC to ABC and is on its final season. While the previous two seasons have been underwhelming, the final season is actually setting itself up to see the characters grow and mature, which will ultimately provide fans a satisfying ending to the series.

Now, I've heard of Tivo/DVR guilt, which sounds like what I'm experiencing. I wonder if that "guilt" stems from a personification of my beloved machine that has freed me from being tied down to my television schedule, and I just want to honor the relationship. Let's just hope I don't hooked on any new shows.


  1. oh Lost!! this show is killing me!! i'm so addicted, and yet, i have nightmares all the time with Lost-related themes!! and Henry Gale, is now Ben, who is a full-time character!!! the creepiness will never end... =(

  2. I'm totally allowing the shows to run my life. Lost/Heroes/How I Met Your Mother/Jon&Kate+8 [ALL MONDAY SHOWS!]
