Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reading is FUNdamental

I love updating my Goodreads page, so it pains me that I haven't read a real book in awhile. I have a sizable stack of books on my shelf longing for my attention. One big factor that has caused me to ignore said stack is my discovery of the The Minuteman Library Network before Thanksgiving. From the comfort of my computer, I can go about requesting, reviewing, and rating books in the collective library, but most importantly, there is a wealth of comic book trade paperbacks (collected editions) for my viewing pleasure.

While financially this has been a huge blessing, drastically reducing my monthly spending on the hobby, this also meant I had to put aside my summer goal of reading more novels, both contemporary and classic. In addition from resolving to become more fit in body, I'd also like to resolve to be more fit in mind. Here are a few books from the list that I'd like to finish by 2010:
Lastly a quick plug for Rodney's Bookstore, which I pass everyday on the way to work. Not only have I been able to find books at great prices at this store, but have been able to clear my own bookshelves of books I have finished or don't wish to hold onto any longer, thus giving me a slight head start in funding further entertainment.


  1. although not quite a classic yet, i think you should put harry potter on your list so we can finally talk about it.

  2. that's a great selection of books. i've been meaning to read some of those, too

  3. @taryn: Yea, been meaning to finish Book 7 for awhile now, haven't I?
    @jolee: I have a lot more "to read" books on my GoodReads that I'm hoping to check off as well!

  4. these are such BOY books. i didn't enjoy most of them. hahaha.

  5. Rodney's is great... I acquired quite a few items from there. Make sure you and T move into a place nearby? :)

    Good luck on the list! Sadly, I've only read Catch-22 out of all those...

  6. I can give you Brave New World and Fight Club (if I can find it)
