Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Love Breakfast: Scrapple

I love food, but as far as meals go, I love the tasty offerings of breakfast the most. It is the pinnacle of comfort food for me and I just had to devote a series of posts to some of my favorite or just plain interesting breakfast offerings.

I have no idea which Food Network or Travel Channel show I first heard about Scrapple, but I as a lover of American breakfast foods, I knew I had to try it when the Mrs. and I were in a Pennsylvania diner back in August. Let's take a look at Wikipedia for a quick rundown of just what exactly goes into Scrapple:

"Scrapple, also known by the Pennsylvania Dutch name pon haus, is traditionally a mush of pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal and flour, often buckwheat flour, and spices. The mush is formed into a semi-solid congealed loaf, and slices of the scrapple are then panfried before serving. Scraps of meat left over from butchering, not used or sold elsewhere, were made into scrapple to avoid waste."

As delicious as "a mush of pork scraps and trimmings" sounds, it really was tasty, akin to a meatloaf that has been pan fried. Food Network even provides a recipe for those who want to make Scrapple from scratch. The uncooked product sure looks like meatloaf:

While I can't say Scrapple is very photogenic, I'd definitely recommend giving this a go if you ever see it on a menu!

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